Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Lay Liturgical Ministers exercise a “genuine liturgical function. They ought, therefore, to perform their roles with the sincere piety and decorum demanded by so exalted ministries and rightly expected of them by God’s people” (CSL 29).

When the faithful of our community gather, we become a visible sign of the Body of Christ. During this "sacrament of unity" the whole Body of the Church is involved in many different ways. Many of the important Liturgical functions of our celebrations are entrusted to the laity, who are drawn from the community, trained by the parish, and entrusted with the sincere devotion and decorum expected of them by God's people. Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Altar servers, Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), Music Ministers and Environmental Ministry, all exercise a genuine liturgical function and are an integral part of our celebrations. Lay ministers foster the mission of Christ that flows from Baptism and put their gifts at the disposal of the community for the common good and in response to specific needs.

Although serving in any of these ministries should be a source of joy and satisfaction for individual people, these ministries exist for the benefit and service of the Church and not for individual or personal piety, spiritual growth, or status. As such, these ministries are regulated by Church and Liturgical law and are submitted to the authority of the Bishop and the local Pastor (USCCB).

To volunteer for any of our Liturgical Ministries, please contact our Liturgical Director for more information.

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