

The faith formation program of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church is structured according to the curriculum framework, benchmarks and expectations of the Diocese of Orlando as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The general coverage is sacramental preparation for both children and young adults below 18 years of age and adults above 18 years of age, as follows:

  1. (a) Children from Pre-K to Grade 12 can enroll in our 2year sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation. Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
  2. (b) Catechism classes are also offered to children who are done with the sacramental preparation but wish to continue enriching their faith by attending our catechism classes adopted to their age and grade level in school.
  3. (c) Children who are seven (7) years of age and older can attend classes on Rites of Christian Initiation adopted for children (RCIC).
  4. (d) Adults who are 18 years of age and over who need sacramental preparation can attend classes on the Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

A variety of resources, most importantly the Holy Scripture, are read and discussed to help the youth and young adults put to use their gifts and talents for the greater glory of God and to guide them in developing well-formed consciences for the many choices that confront them in their lifetime. Classes are held both in English and Spanish for the young adults and English only for the children.

The RCIC and the RCIA cover all aspects of faith necessary in preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation outlined below that include an understanding of the full meaning of the signs, symbols, words, and action that accompany the rite itself.

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