Welcome to Our Parish

"Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful

and kindle in them the fire of your love ..."

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Travelers' Mass Times

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Diocese Ministries

Our Missionary Sister Diocese in
San Juan de la Maguana.

Holy Spirit Gift Shop

Our newly renovated Gift Shop is now open. Visit our store after all Masses each weekend.


WELCOME to the newly revised Holy Spirit website. We are a diverse Catholic Community that welcomes all people to join us in worship & prayer.

This website is intended to be the virtual door to our Holy Spirit Catholic Church. We invite you to explore different ways that you can get involved in our Holy Spirit Community.

Join a ministry, become a Liturgical Minister, attend a Bible Study ... whatever you choose to become involved in, we pray that you continue to open your heart to Jesus everyday of your life.

Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church

A Message from our Pastor

Thank you for visiting our website, follow along as we talk about the atmosphere and community that make up our Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lake Wales, FL.

Fr. Luis Osorio, Pastor

Our Parish Bulletin


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